How EMC Measurement Laboratory Should Be
1) to carry out its duties, including the implementation, maintenance and improvement of the management system, and to determine the occurrence of deviations from the management system or test and / or calibration procedures and to initiate the necessary actions to prevent or minimize such deviations, must have administrative and technical personnel with resources
(2) shall have arrangements to ensure that management and personnel are kept free of any commercial, financial and other internal and external pressures and influences that may adversely affect the quality of work performed.
3) must have policies and procedures to ensure the protection of confidential information and proprietary rights of its customers, including procedures for the protection and transmission of results electronically.
4) must have policies and procedures to prevent any activity that may reduce confidence in its integrity, impartiality, decision-making or honesty of its work.
5) Establishment and management structure, its place within any parent organization; describe the relationship between quality management, technical activities and support services.
6) Having a direct impact on the quality of the test or calibration, managing, implementing or verifying the task determines the responsibilities, authorities and relations of all personnel.
7) Experts who are familiar with all test and calibration elements, including staff candidates, methods and procedures, and the objective of each test and / or calibration, and can evaluate the results of the test or calibration.
to ensure that they are properly guided.
8) must have a technical management generally responsible for the provision of resources and technical processes required to ensure the required quality in laboratory operations.
9) has the authority and responsibility to ensure that the quality and management system is implemented and monitored at all times, regardless of other duties and responsibilities.
manager should be assigned; he must have direct access to the highest level of management where decisions are made about laboratory policy and resources.
10) Proxies must be assigned for key management personnel
k) The personnel should be aware of the importance of the activities performed and how they will contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the management system. Individuals may have more than one task and it may not be appropriate to appoint an assistant for each task.
Senior management should ensure that appropriate communication processes are established in the laboratory and that effective communication is ensured for the effective functioning of the management system.
A management system appropriate to the scope of the laboratory should be established, implemented and maintained. The laboratory should document its policies, systems, programs, procedures and instructions at a level that will ensure the quality of the test and / or calibration results. System documentation should be communicated to the relevant personnel and understood, accessible and applicable.
Many factors determine the accuracy and reliability of experiments and / or calibrations performed by a laboratory.
These factors include contributions from:
- Human factor,
- Settlement and environmental conditions,
- Test and calibration methods and validation of these methods,
- Devices,
- Measurement traceability,
- Sampling ,
- Transportation of test and calibration materials,
- Processes applied to test and / or calibration materials
- Ensuring the quality of the test and / or calibration results
- Reporting of results
The degree to which factors contribute to total measurement uncertainty varies significantly from experiment to experiment and from calibration to calibration. Laboratory; These factors should be taken into account in the development of test and calibration methods and procedures, in the training and qualification of personnel, in the selection and calibration of devices to be used.